How To Get More Done In Less Time As An Entrepreneur
There exists a theory, developed by Cyril Parkinson, a British historian and author, that applies to productivity in and outside of the workplace. During his time in the British Civil Service, Parkinson observed a trend in production that the larger the bureaucratic system, the less productivity was achieved. Parkinson initially introduced this concept in a satirical article in The Economist in 1955. Over the next 2 years, Parkinson delved deeper into his theory, supporting it with studies and tests that he produced into a best-selling book - Parkinson’s Law - in 1957. As an active or aspiring womenpreneur, efficiency means...

How To Successfully Launch Anything
There is no greater feeling than completing the launch of an awesome new website, a high profile PR campaign, or a brand new product. However, starting a large project is generally an overwhelming and stressful experience for many entrepreneurs. It can be easy to get caught up with research and the minutia of decision making. When you account for the day-to-day tasks of running your business, it can seem nearly impossible to add a major project to your to-do list. However, in order for your business to succeed, large initiatives need to be executed seamlessly from start to finish. For...

9 Reasons Why Women Who Plan Their Weeks Are More Successful
The web is overflowing with productivity hacks and helpful lists of common habits embodied by entrepreneurs, CEOs, and successful people. Even though YOUR best avenues for productivity will be completely individual to your lifestyle and personality, much can be gained by peeking in at how other female business owners have made it all happen and managed to stay sane. One commonality among many of these entrepreneurs is that their work approach is calculated – they dream, they plan, they organize, and they orchestrate. When you plan your day, week, or month in advance, you are creating a locus of support for your business...

How to Find 15 Hours Each Week to Work on Your Business
Your business is your future. It’s going to transform your life. In order to get there, this venture requires regular attention in order to turn your dream into a reality. Here’s a secret for you - “I don’t have time” is a myth. Your business idol, your competitor, your best self - they all have time. How? They created it! You can, too. Believe it or not, you can find 15 hours each week to dedicate to your business. 1. Wake Up an Hour Earlier ( = 5 hours/week) DON’T HIT SNOOZE! Think about it, every time you hit...

The Ultimate Business Planning System for New Female Entrepreneurs
The Launch Planner isn’t JUST a pretty calendar with motivational quotes and the cutest covers around (if we do say so…) – it’s a tool. Our planner and associated products comprise a proven and entrepreneur-architected system that helps you achieve your business launch incrementally, accountably, and productively. Below, we’ll answer a few questions about how this system works and plays together to help you hit your launch goals: Question: I’m BUSY! How can I keep myself accountable and make time to launch my business? Answer: This answer is a bit different for each entrepreneur. Here are a few tips that...